Is God calling you to Reader Ministry?

God has given a variety of gifts to his people, for works of service and ministry. He may have given you the gifts for ministry as a Parish Reader or Diocesan Lay Reader. Perhaps you’ve felt God prompting you towards a new scope of service in his Church. Could it be that God is calling you to Reader Ministry?

Parish Readers serve by leading God’s people in worship: by leading the service, or reading the Bible readings, or leading the prayers, or assisting at Holy Communion - in their own parish. Diocesan Readers lead God’s people in worship in the same way as Parish Readers, and are also authorised to preach - across the diocese by invitation.

Applications are currently open for our next training courses for both Parish Readers and Diocesan Readers: Parish Reader applications will close on Friday 31st May for selection interviews in June with the course beginning in September. Diocesan Reader applications will close on Friday 30th August for selection interviews in September, with the distance learning course starting in January 2025 in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.

If you would like to explore the possibility of ministry as a Parish Reader or Diocesan Reader,
or for more information, please speak to your Rector,
or contact the Warden of Readers, the Rev’d Gary McMurray (028 3887 0798 or