Confirmation - Keady, Armaghbreague, Derrynoose & Newtownhamilton

Eleven young people from the new Parish Grouping of Keady, Armaghbreague, Derrynoose and Newtownhamilton were confirmed on Wednesday 21st June 2017 in St John's Parish Newtownhamilton.

Due to the vacancy the Confirmation was organised by the outgoing Rural Dean the Revd Paul McAdam
and assisted by his successor Revd Malcolm Kingston (Rector of St Marks Armagh) and
Rev Pete Smith (Curate Assistant of St Marks Armagh).

Friends and family gathered to witness this great event and all the young people
were congratulated in the manor and dignity that the occasion deserved.
Archbishop Richard took time from his busy schedule to talk to the young people about their future
and now saying yes to the Lord in everyday life during their new Christian future and Malcolm congratulated the young people on their knowledge and commented that all going forward for confirmation were ahead of the game and able to recite The Apostles Creed before being asked to learn it as part of their preparation.

Included in the photograph from left to right are Revd Malcolm Kingston
Archbishop Richard, Mr Wayne Havthorne (Parish Reader St John's Newtownhamilton)
and Revd Pete Smith